2.0 Update!

I learned a lot from making this game, so I don't want to leave it in its current state. These updates should improve several aspects of the game, most importantly the impenetrable early game that stumps the vast majority of people who feel there is no reason to go through it. Here are the patch notes!

Added an optional narrative introduction. This should help with the complete lack of any hook at the beginning of the game.

Added a new magic skill called "Introspection". This spell is given to the Alchemist by default, and it provides commentary both on the current map and the current overarching objective. This should help with players missing key details that they should know in order to navigate the early areas.

Changed the Energy Ring to give flat bonuses rather than a multiplier

Changed the Flame Talisman to grant immunity to damage from the Furnace rather than simply a strong resistance

Changed overworld placement of the Burning Man to fix a bug and make running away from him more reasonable

Changed movement behavior of the Burning Man to add a 1 second delay before chasing

Changed furnace floor damage from 10 to 5

Changed a certain area to have a larger border

Fixed text edit for The Party's soul stone drops not properly activating

Fixed 2 grammar errors

Fixed 6 text cutoffs, including 4 in the credits

Fixed Soul Stone behavior for Hungry Man

Fixed death behavior for the Defender and the Rogue

Fixed a certain enemy giving progress towards a particular threshold

Fixed a particular threshold being too low

Fixed several miscellaneous bugs

Fixed the lack of a thank you to the reader (yes you!)

Get Master of Death 2.1

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